Event Fees 費用
- Members 會員/學生 (全/兼讀):
- 半天日程 Half-day pass: $400
- 一天日程 One-day pass: $600 (全一天或兩節半天)
- 兩天日程 Two-day Pass :$1,100
- Non-members 非會員:
- 半天日程 Half-day pass: $600
- 一天日程 One-day pass: $900 (全一天或兩節半天)
- 兩天日程 Two-day Pass :$1,600
- English Pass:
- $800 for all english speaking sessions, including:
- Key note 1, key note 3, Workshop 3.2 & Panel Talk
- $800 for all english speaking sessions, including:
We cherish the opportunity to walk together with you. In addition to the special membership exclusive fee benefits, the annual meeting also takes into account friends who have not yet become members this year. Anyone who registers to participate in the meeting and submits a membership application at the same time will immediately enjoy the exclusive benefits of members.
Event Registration 報名
Application 報名
On-Line application 網上報名
(Paypal, Visa, MasterCard, cheque, bank transfer)
Full Program 兩日議程表
時間Time |
第一日:2023年12月16 日 (星期六)
9:00 – 9:15 | 登記 Registration |
09:15 – 09:30
09:30 – |
開幕歡迎辭 Welcome Speech Prof. Eric CHUI, Professor & Head, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 崔永康教授, 香港理工大學應用社會科學系教授及系主任 Dr. Ngai So Wa, President, Hong Kong Marriage & Family Therapy Association 地點 Venue:FJ301, Block F 主題演講一 Key Note 1: |
11:00 – 11:15 | 小休 Break |
11:15 – 12:45 | 主題演講二 Key Note 2: Is there Anti-dote to multi-generational Transmission? (透過ZOOM以粵語主講 Conducted in Cantonese via zoom) 講者Speaker:Ms. Anita Y.L. Fok 霍玉蓮女士 地點 Venue:FJ301, Block F |
12:45 – 14:15 | 午饍 Lunch |
14:00 – 14:15 | 登記 Registration |
14:15 – 15:15 | 下午工作坊 – 第一時段: PM workshops – 1st time slot 1.1 早期關聯經驗與日後之婚姻素質 1.2 結合Bowen Family Therapy(鮑恩家庭治療) 及 Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy( 『感動治療』)治療易服癖丈夫及挽救其婚姻 1.3 從「獨立自主、以情相繫」和「心靈九境」看人的成長與發展 1.4 代代傳家福–隔代照顧家庭支援服務分享 |
15:15 – 15:45 | 小休 Break |
15:45 – 16:45 | 下午工作坊 – 第二時段: PM workshops – 2nd time slot 2.1 Reflection on Multigenerational Companionship from the Perspective of Cultural Interaction 從文化互動角度反思跨代同行關係 — 講者 Speaker:Dr. Annie Yi Jung Pan潘怡蓉博士 — 地點 Venue:FJ301, Block F 2.2 「抱抱孩子心–提升潛在有特殊需要幼兒安全感和親子溝通家長課程」成效研究及實務分享 2.3 「兩代同行育兒孫」課程發展經驗 2.4 解開三代糾結的關係 |
17:00 | 第一日完 End of Day 1 |
時間Time |
第二日:2023年12月17日 (星期日)
9:00-9:30 | 登記 Registration |
9:30-11:00 |
主題演講三 Key Note 3:
Intergenerational Proactive Coping with Future Care Needs: Patterns, Processes, Strategies and Challenges (Conducted in English) 講者 Speaker:Prof. Bai Xue 白雪教授
地點 Venue:FJ301, Block F
11:00-11:15 | 小休 Break |
11:15-12:45 | 主題演講四 Key Note 4: 重返原生家庭的離婚父母與孩子 講者 Speaker:Dr. Cindy Tam 譚煥芝醫生 地點 Venue:FJ301, Block F |
12:45-14:15 | 午饍 Lunch |
14:00-14:15 | 登記 Registration |
14:15-15:15 | 第二天工作坊 –下午時段: Day 2 workshop – pm session3.1 「身體雕塑」在家庭治療中的應用——在家庭治療中使用多感官體驗式的歷程工作坊 — 講者 Speaker:Dr. Yung Tsang Sun May Grace 容曾莘薇博士 — 地點 Venue:FJ301, Block F3.2 : “‘Woke parents’: Swear to stop the transgenerational vicious patterns of malfunctioned parenting in their generation! How they have been doing? How can we give them a hand or two? (Conducted in English Via Zoom) 覺醒父母:立誓打破舊模式,重新定義「親職」的一代” — 講者 Speaker:Prof. Wentao Chao 趙文滔教授 — 地點 Venue:FJ302, Block F 3.3 孩子的症狀——真實與謬誤 3.4 《家庭圖、家庭地圖在多動症兒童/青少年及其家人身上的應用》 |
15:15-15:45 | 小休 Break |
15:45-16:45 | 座談會 Panel Talk:
Exploring Multigenerational Relationships and Clinical Practice in the Chinese Society《探討華人社會的多代關係和臨床實踐 》 地點 Venue:FJ301, Block F 閉幕及總結 Closing Ceremony |
17:00 | 完 The End |
Keynote Speech Details 主題演講詳情

主題演講一: You Can Go Home Again: The Genogram Journey: Reconnection and Healing (Conducted In English by zoom)
講者:Prof. Monica McGoldrick You Can Go Home Again: The Genogram Journey: Reconnection and Healing
(Conducted In English by zoom)
This presentation will discuss an orientation to systemic family history that views our lives in the context of what came before and what lies ahead. Taking account of the cultural and societal context in which all of our lives evolve, we will consider how we can pay attention to the truth that, as Jorge Luis Borges put it: “we ourselves are the embodied continuance of those who did not live into our time and others will be and are our immortality on this earth.” The focus of this presentation will be on the everyday relevance in our clinical work of this systemic understanding of who we are. We will use genograms and discuss issues related to the life cycle, culture, gender, and addressing traumatic loss and other relationship issues.
Prof. Monica McGoldrick
Dr. Monica McGoldrick, MSW, PhD (h.c.). Founder and Director of the Multicultural Family Institute and on the Clinical Faculty of the Psychiatry Department at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She has an international reputation as a trainer and author. Her books include Genograms (4th ed)., 2020; Re-Visioning Family Therapy: Addressing Diversity in Clinical Practice & Training (3rd ed), 2019; The Genogram Casebook, 2016; The Expanding Family Life Cycle (5th ed.), 2016; Ethnicity and Family Therapy (3rd ed.), 2005; Living Beyond Loss (2nd ed.), 2004; Women in Families, 1991; The Genogram Journey: (2nd ed of You Can Go Home Again), 2011. Her widely used clinical teaching videos include: Harnessing the Power of Genograms, Couples Therapy, a Systemic Approach; The Legacy of Unresolved Loss; Triangles in Family Therapy; Using Family Play Genograms; Freeing Ourselves from the Ghosts of Our Past, are available through www.psychotherapy.net.

主題演講二: Is there Anti-dote to multi-generational Transmission? (透過ZOOM以粵語主講)
講者:Ms. Anita Y.L. Fok霍玉蓮女士Is there Anti-dote to multi-generational Transmission?
Bowen has prophetic insights to proclaim multi-generational transmission of emotions and behavior through family relationship. The Family Therapist acknowledge such phenomena in the counselling room. The speaker has heart-felt concerns to depict pattern of negative behavior is transmitted through generations from hundreds and thousands of clinical case experiences. The speaker will attempt to explore the pathway of transmission through accumulative case observations. Simultaneously, the speaker will attempt to discuss the anti-dote to multi-generational transmission. Practical clinical wisdom and clinical skills will be discussed and shared in the platform.
Ms. Anita Y.L. Fok 霍玉蓮女士
Ms. Fok has had over 30 years of rich clinical experiences in practice and supervision. She is elected as the 60th Anniversary Distinguished Alumni Award of Social Welfare Department, HKU in 2010. She acted as Assistant Professor at the University of HK and Polytechnic University, receiving outstanding teaching award from the University of HK. She has conducted over 100 Training Workshops for social workers, counselors and clergymen locally and extended her Training to Taiwan professionals on Family Mediation. On top of the Training, Ms Fok has authored a collection of more than 10 Chinese and English books on Couples, Families, Parenting, Marital & Family Therapy, Psychotherapy & Spirituality .The book on the Reunion of Psyche and Spirit: From Sigmund Freud to Michael White (心理與心靈的重聚) has received Gold Medal Award.

主題演講三: Intergenerational Proactive Coping with Future Care Needs: Patterns, Processes, Strategies and Challenges (Conducted in English)
講者: Prof. Bai Xue 白雪教授Intergenerational Proactive Coping with Future Care Needs: Patterns, Processes, Strategies and Challenges
(Conducted in English)
The global trends of population ageing and rising life expectancy have increased eldercare needs, which represents a stressor affecting ageing families and poses challenges to the wider society. Prof. Bai believes that implementing care preparation before intensive care is required as a form of proactive coping can prevent and mitigate the detrimental effects of potential stressors related to future care needs. A growing consensus is forming behind the idea that effective care planning requires families to engage in collaborative teamwork. This presentation will examine and discuss: a) To what extent are Hong Kong older adults and adult children engaged in future care preparation? b) What are their preparation patterns, processes, strategies and challenges? c) How does economic capital, family social capital and community capital of older parents and adult children influence intergenerational care planning? This presentation will contribute to a more in-depth understanding of dyadic proactive coping styles in relation to the future care needs of older parents, highlight the influence of individual, intergenerational, familial and community contexts, and propose a preventative and proactive direction for smart family and social care for an ageing population.
Prof. Bai Xue 白雪教授
Prof. Bai is Director of Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She also serves as a non-executive director for HKMC Annuity. Prof. Bai’s research focuses on three interrelated areas in social gerontology: 1) intergenerational relationships and care arrangements in ageing families, 2) active ageing and subjective well-being in later life, and 3) social policy and social care in ageing societies. Prof. Bai’s work has been widely published in renowned international journals, including The Gerontologist, Ageing & Mental Health, Ageing & Society, and Health & Social Care in the Community. Currently, she is an appointed member of Social Welfare Advisory Committee and Elderly Commission advising the HKSAR Government on ageing-related issues and social welfare policy matters.

講者:Dr. Cindy Tam 譚煥芝醫生<重返原生家庭的離婚父母與孩子>
離婚父母為了更好地照顧孩子而返回自己的原生家庭,這種情況並不少見。此舉對核心家庭成員和其親戚均構成相當大的挑戰。祖父母、叔伯嬸母可以為離異夫婦及其子女提供情感和實際的支持,但在家庭模式和生活安排重組的同時,也可能存在跨代的壓力和衝突。譚醫生將透過真實個案,配以視頻紀錄,闡述並探索子女的行為問題如何牽涉到祖父母與父母之間未解決的衝突,以及父母離異對三代人的影響。 治療過程描述了不同世代如何在模棱兩可、壓力、誤解和衝突的背景下磋商,解決難題;以及他們如何在夫婦離婚後為年幼的孩子培養親屬關懷。
Dr. Cindy Tam 譚煥芝醫生
譚煥芝醫生擔任亞洲家庭治療學院 (AAFT) 跨代中心的項目總監,同時是一位精神病學專家。於AAFT 擔任教員之前,曾在醫院管理局工作超過二十年。她目前為精神科私家醫生。
座談會 Panel Talk
Exploring Multigenerational Relationships and Clinical Practice in the Chinese Society《探討華人社會的多代關係和臨床實踐 》

Prof. Wentao Chao 趙文滔教授
From TaiwanProf. Wentao Chao 趙文滔教授
Professor, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan, Counseling psychologist (License, Taiwan), President (2015/7~2018/6) and council member, Association of Couple and Family Therapy in Taiwan, Marriage and family counselor (certificate) and council member, Taiwan Association for Marriage and Family Counseling, Fellow member, Asian Academy of Family Therapy (AAFT), Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy, University of Hong Kong, H.K., M.A. in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling, Sonoma State University, U.S.A. He has been practicing couples and family therapy for over 20 years, and providing couple and family therapy training in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Malaysia.

Prof. Chen Lee Ping Nicole
From MalaysiaYour Content Goes Here
Prof. Chen Lee Ping Nicole
Prof. Nicole Chen is a licensed and registered counsellor who has served for over 23 years. After
receiving specialised training in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and Multigenerational
Family Therapy, she has focused on supporting couples and families for the past 10 years. She
is an Associate Professor at International Medical University, Malaysia, with more than 15
years of tertiary teaching experience. She was a committee member of the Qualitative
Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM) from 2018 to 2020, and she remains active as the
QRAM journal reviewer and expert consultant. She has been an active board member of the
Malaysian Marriage and Family Therapy Association (MyMFT). She has been appointed
President of MyMFT (2021 – 2023) and recently been reappointed as President for MyMFT
from June 2023 – June 2025.

Prof. Sim Boon-wee Timothy 沈文偉教授
From SingaporeYour Content Goes Here
Prof. Sim Boon-wee Timothy 沈文偉教授
Prof. Timothy Sim has been working in Hong Kong for more than 18 years. He was already well known in Singapore and the region for his work in counselling, social work and family therapy before he left for Hong Kong since 1999. Today, Tim has established himself as an international expert in the area of disaster management, practice research and family therapy. After returning to Singapore, Tim has focused on developing counselling and family therapy training at the Singapore University of Social Sciences since January 2021. He is committed to supporting practice, research and service development that reach out to families that are experiencing addictions, divorce, incarceration, poverty, and violence.

Dr. Yung Tsang Sun May Grace 容曾莘薇博士
From Hong KongDr. Yung Tsang Sun May Grace 容曾莘薇博士
(Hong Kong)
容曾博士在過去三十年致力在香港和世界各地傳承「沙維雅成長模式」, 曾經是香港沙維雅人文發展中心的核心領導;是第一位當選為Virginia Satir Global Network(沙維雅環球網絡)幹事的亞洲人,也是第一位在2009年獲得該網絡頒發Living Treasure 榮譽的亞洲人。她將會繼續致力於發展和推動適合華人社會、聚焦於成長的輔導及督導理念。

Prof. Zhao Xu Dong 趙旭東教授
From ChinaYour Content Goes Here
Prof. Zhao Xu Dong 趙旭東教授
Prof. Zhao has been contributing to the development of cultural psychiatry, psychotherapy, and clinical psychosomatic medicine in China. In 1993, He got doctorate with a dissertation entitled ‘Introducing systemic family therapy into China as a cultural project’ at Heidelberg University, Germany.
As one of the project leaders, He has been working since 1997 for the “Chinese-German Advanced Continuous Training Program for Psychotherapy”, which has got the “International Sigmund Freud Award forPsychotherapy 2008” from Vienna City, Austria, due to program’s outstanding contribution to introducing Western Psychotherapy into China successfully.
(1) Vice-chairman of the Chinese Association of Mental Health and honorary president of Section for Psychotherapy & Psychological Counselling;
(2) Vice-president of the Psychosomatic Medicine Section of the Chinese Medical Association;
(3) Vice-president of the Committee of Psychosomatic Medicine of the Chinese Physicians’ Association;
(4) Vice-president of the World Council of Psychotherapy;
(5) Executive board member of the Urban Mental Health Section of the World Psychiatric Association. Member of the Transcultural PsychiatrySection.
(6) Board member of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry.
(7) Member of the Consulting Experts Committee, National Promotion Commission of the Healthy China Action
Workshops Details 工作坊詳情

主題演講一: You Can Go Home Again: The Genogram Journey: Reconnection and Healing (Conducted In English by zoom)
講者:Prof. Monica McGoldrick You Can Go Home Again: The Genogram Journey: Reconnection and Healing
(Conducted In English by zoom)
This presentation will discuss an orientation to systemic family history that views our lives in the context of what came before and what lies ahead. Taking account of the cultural and societal context in which all of our lives evolve, we will consider how we can pay attention to the truth that, as Jorge Luis Borges put it: “we ourselves are the embodied continuance of those who did not live into our time and others will be and are our immortality on this earth.” The focus of this presentation will be on the everyday relevance in our clinical work of this systemic understanding of who we are. We will use genograms and discuss issues related to the life cycle, culture, gender, and addressing traumatic loss and other relationship issues.
Prof. Monica McGoldrick
Dr. Monica McGoldrick, MSW, PhD (h.c.). Founder and Director of the Multicultural Family Institute and on the Clinical Faculty of the Psychiatry Department at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She has an international reputation as a trainer and author. Her books include Genograms (4th ed)., 2020; Re-Visioning Family Therapy: Addressing Diversity in Clinical Practice & Training (3rd ed), 2019; The Genogram Casebook, 2016; The Expanding Family Life Cycle (5th ed.), 2016; Ethnicity and Family Therapy (3rd ed.), 2005; Living Beyond Loss (2nd ed.), 2004; Women in Families, 1991; The Genogram Journey: (2nd ed of You Can Go Home Again), 2011. Her widely used clinical teaching videos include: Harnessing the Power of Genograms, Couples Therapy, a Systemic Approach; The Legacy of Unresolved Loss; Triangles in Family Therapy; Using Family Play Genograms; Freeing Ourselves from the Ghosts of Our Past, are available through www.psychotherapy.net.

主題演講二: Is there Anti-dote to multi-generational Transmission? (透過ZOOM以粵語主講)
講者:Ms. Anita Y.L. Fok霍玉蓮女士Is there Anti-dote to multi-generational Transmission?
Bowen has prophetic insights to proclaim multi-generational transmission of emotions and behavior through family relationship. The Family Therapist acknowledge such phenomena in the counselling room. The speaker has heart-felt concerns to depict pattern of negative behavior is transmitted through generations from hundreds and thousands of clinical case experiences. The speaker will attempt to explore the pathway of transmission through accumulative case observations. Simultaneously, the speaker will attempt to discuss the anti-dote to multi-generational transmission. Practical clinical wisdom and clinical skills will be discussed and shared in the platform.
Ms. Anita Y.L. Fok 霍玉蓮女士
Ms. Fok has had over 30 years of rich clinical experiences in practice and supervision. She is elected as the 60th Anniversary Distinguished Alumni Award of Social Welfare Department, HKU in 2010. She acted as Assistant Professor at the University of HK and Polytechnic University, receiving outstanding teaching award from the University of HK. She has conducted over 100 Training Workshops for social workers, counselors and clergymen locally and extended her Training to Taiwan professionals on Family Mediation. On top of the Training, Ms Fok has authored a collection of more than 10 Chinese and English books on Couples, Families, Parenting, Marital & Family Therapy, Psychotherapy & Spirituality .The book on the Reunion of Psyche and Spirit: From Sigmund Freud to Michael White (心理與心靈的重聚) has received Gold Medal Award.

主題演講三: Intergenerational Proactive Coping with Future Care Needs: Patterns, Processes, Strategies and Challenges (Conducted in English)
講者: Prof. Bai Xue 白雪教授Intergenerational Proactive Coping with Future Care Needs: Patterns, Processes, Strategies and Challenges
(Conducted in English)
The global trends of population ageing and rising life expectancy have increased eldercare needs, which represents a stressor affecting ageing families and poses challenges to the wider society. Prof. Bai believes that implementing care preparation before intensive care is required as a form of proactive coping can prevent and mitigate the detrimental effects of potential stressors related to future care needs. A growing consensus is forming behind the idea that effective care planning requires families to engage in collaborative teamwork. This presentation will examine and discuss: a) To what extent are Hong Kong older adults and adult children engaged in future care preparation? b) What are their preparation patterns, processes, strategies and challenges? c) How does economic capital, family social capital and community capital of older parents and adult children influence intergenerational care planning? This presentation will contribute to a more in-depth understanding of dyadic proactive coping styles in relation to the future care needs of older parents, highlight the influence of individual, intergenerational, familial and community contexts, and propose a preventative and proactive direction for smart family and social care for an ageing population.
Prof. Bai Xue 白雪教授
Prof. Bai is Director of Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She also serves as a non-executive director for HKMC Annuity. Prof. Bai’s research focuses on three interrelated areas in social gerontology: 1) intergenerational relationships and care arrangements in ageing families, 2) active ageing and subjective well-being in later life, and 3) social policy and social care in ageing societies. Prof. Bai’s work has been widely published in renowned international journals, including The Gerontologist, Ageing & Mental Health, Ageing & Society, and Health & Social Care in the Community. Currently, she is an appointed member of Social Welfare Advisory Committee and Elderly Commission advising the HKSAR Government on ageing-related issues and social welfare policy matters.

講者:Dr. Cindy Tam 譚煥芝醫生<重返原生家庭的離婚父母與孩子>
離婚父母為了更好地照顧孩子而返回自己的原生家庭,這種情況並不少見。此舉對核心家庭成員和其親戚均構成相當大的挑戰。祖父母、叔伯嬸母可以為離異夫婦及其子女提供情感和實際的支持,但在家庭模式和生活安排重組的同時,也可能存在跨代的壓力和衝突。譚醫生將透過真實個案,配以視頻紀錄,闡述並探索子女的行為問題如何牽涉到祖父母與父母之間未解決的衝突,以及父母離異對三代人的影響。 治療過程描述了不同世代如何在模棱兩可、壓力、誤解和衝突的背景下磋商,解決難題;以及他們如何在夫婦離婚後為年幼的孩子培養親屬關懷。
Dr. Cindy Tam 譚煥芝醫生
譚煥芝醫生擔任亞洲家庭治療學院 (AAFT) 跨代中心的項目總監,同時是一位精神病學專家。於AAFT 擔任教員之前,曾在醫院管理局工作超過二十年。她目前為精神科私家醫生。
Day One Workshops 第一日工作坊

第一天下午工作坊 – 第一時段:1.1 <早期關聯經驗與日後之婚姻素質>
講者:Dr. Benjamin Wat 屈偉豪博士<早期關聯經驗與日後之婚姻素質>
童年關聯經驗,塑造著成長後人際關係與感情聯繫的深度和廣度,對婚姻素質更必受影響,講者試從關聯理論出發 (Attachment Theory),試圖尋找兩者的影響與關係模式。
Dr. Benjamin Wat 屈偉豪博士

第一天下午工作坊 – 第一時段:1.2 <結合Bowen Family Therapy(鮑恩家庭治療) 及 Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy( 『感動治療』)治療易服癖丈夫及挽救其婚姻>
講者:Ms. Cecily Chan 陳陳思穎女士< 結合Bowen Family Therapy(鮑恩家庭治療) 及 Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy( 『感動治療』)治療易服癖丈夫及挽救其婚姻 >
陳陳思穎女士的工作坊是你不容錯過的一個工作坊,她會向我們展示如何挽救一個正走向離婚邊緣的易服癖男士個案。陳太透過這極具挑戰又複雜的個案,展示了結合Bowen家庭治療和AEDP感動治療的威力,既顧及家庭系統對案主的影響,同時又利用AEDP 探究案主情緒及內心深處的需要。陳太將會分享這綜合性治療的步驟,展示如何一步步修復案主夫婦的婚姻關係,更幫助他們重建健康的「真我」。
Ms. Cecily Chan 陳陳思穎女士
陳陳思穎女士現時為私人執業婚姻及家庭治療師, 美國婚姻及家庭治療協會臨床會員,美國婚姻及家庭治療協會檢定臨床督導, 香港婚姻及家庭治療協會檢定臨床督導,香港婚姻及家庭治療協會董事會委員,香港專業輔導協會認可輔導督導, 伯特利神學院基督教婚姻及家庭治療碩士課程導師

第一天下午工作坊 – 第一時段:1.3 <從「獨立自主、以情相繫」和「心靈九境」看人的成長與發展>
講者:Ms. Miranda Lo 盧夢鳴女士 & Ms. Ego Tang 鄧碧華女士 (點滴親和使命團)< 從「獨立自主、以情相繫」和「心靈九境」看人的成長與發展>
是次工作坊是霍玉蓮女士「自主與連繫」演講的延伸。霍女士發現中國近代儒家學者唐君毅先生的「心靈九境」與西方家庭系統理論鮑恩先生的「獨立自主、以情相繫」有共通之處,並能讓輔導員辨識案主成長方向。工作坊主要闡釋兩者相合之處,並分享處於「心靈九境」的 「功能序運境、依類成化境、萬物散殊境」以及較低「獨立自主、以情相繫」度數的人士(根據 Michael Kerr 指標自主相繫程度 50分以下)的臨床介入手法。
Ms. Miranda Lo 盧夢鳴女士 & Ms. Ego Tang 鄧碧華女士 (點滴親和使命團)
鄧碧華女士現為東華三院賽馬會沙田綜合服務中心資深家庭輔導員,認可婚姻及家庭治療師,從事婚姻,家庭、個人及親子輔導逾十五年。 畢業於香港大學社會科學,並在嶺南大學修讀文化研究。 先後研習「沙維雅成長模式」、「點滴親和婚姻及家庭治療」,「遊戲治療」以及「創傷治療」等不同的理論,近年專注跟隨霍玉蓮女士學習「點滴親和婚姻及家庭治療」。

第一天下午工作坊 – 第一時段:1.4 <代代傳家福--隔代照顧家庭支援服務分享>
講者:Mr. Alan Tang 鄧光宇先生 (基督教香港信義會)< 代代傳家福–隔代照顧家庭支援服務分享>
“大眾或以為祖父母弄孫為樂是自然不過的美好,然而,當我們進入隔代家庭支援服務,更深入了解祖父母面對照顧的苦與樂,及他們智慧與愛的承傳。如何重構祖父母有為者身分?有效促進隔代及三代家庭與社區之連繫與守望?提升祖父母的社會資本? —- 基督教香港信義會過去十年隔代照顧家庭之服務分享
Mr. Alan Tang 鄧光宇先生 (基督教香港信義會)

第一天下午工作坊 – 第二時段:2.1 <從文化互動角度反思跨代同行關係〈Reflection on Multigenerational Companionship from the Perspective of Cultural Interaction〉>
講者:Dr. Annie Yi Jung Pan 潘怡蓉博士<從文化互動角度反思跨代同行關係〈Reflection on Multigenerational Companionship from the Perspective of Cultural Interaction〉>
Dr. Annie Yi Jung Pan 潘怡蓉博士
潘怡蓉博士是中國神學研究院林高傑德教席副教授。早年於中國神學研究院先後修讀道學碩士與輔導教育碩士,之後在比立時魯汶大學完成文學碩士、神學碩士與哲學博士。她曾有六年在德國牧養海德堡華人團契。潘博士多年擔任Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality編輯委員,以及參與在The Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality的董事會與國際關係特別委員會,也獲邀加入International Academy of Practical Theology。她的著作包括《相遇都會靈程路》、《藝術與靈修:出埃及記》、《靈程同行者》與合著的《身心社靈的婚前輔導》(指導本、新人本)。

第一天下午工作坊 – 第二時段:2.2 <「抱抱孩子心--提升潛在有特殊需要幼兒安全感和親子溝通家長課程」成效研究及實務分享>
講者:Ms. Ng Wing-kam Ring 吳詠琴女士, Ms. Ho Lok-yin, Vanessa 何樂然女士 及 Ms. Chan Chui-kiu, Sarah 陳翠翹女士(BGCA 香港小童群益會)<「抱抱孩子心–提升潛在有特殊需要幼兒安全感和親子溝通家長課程」成效研究及實務分享>
Ms. Ng Wing-kam Ring 吳詠琴女士, Ms. Ho Lok-yin, Vanessa 何樂然女士 及 Ms. Chan Chui-kiu, Sarah 陳翠翹女士(BGCA 香港小童群益會)
吳詠琴女士自香港理工大學社會工作學系畢業後,一直專注於兒童及家庭工作,曾於中小學提供駐校服務及青少年綜合服務工作超過十年,主要服務社區內有特殊學習需要的兒童和家庭,進行家長教育及兒童輔導工作。近年更修讀「安全圈教養課程」、MYmind 課程(自閉症及專注力不足/過度活躍症兒童及家長) 及「靜觀教養課程」成為認可導師,專注發展學前康復服務,致力為有特殊學習需要的學前兒童提供訓練服務和其照顧者提供情緒支援,並提供培訓支援幼稚園老師。
何樂然女士 –「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務 教育心理學家
陳翠翹女士—「樂牽」到校學前綜合服務 言語治療師

第一天下午工作坊 – 第二時段:2.3 <「兩代同行育兒孫」課程發展經驗 >
講者:Ms. Chan Wai Mun, Venus陳慧敏 (HKFWS 家福會)<「兩代同行育兒孫」課程發展經驗 >
家福會自2015年起推行「婆媳緣 祖孫情」多代家庭教育及支援計劃,於2019-21年邀請香港樹仁大學及香港大學合作,研發幫助兩代學習姻親共職 ——「兩代同行育兒孫」課程,並以循證為本方式證實課程對父母、祖父母及作為中間人的男士均有顯著成效,不單兩代學會合作育兒,孩子的正面行為也因而有所增加。陳女士將分享前線推行課程經驗及近年服務發展歷程,更期望跟與會者就本港家庭的育兒需要,探討不同輔導專業可如何推行預防教育或支援工作,促進多代家庭關係健康發展。
Ms. Chan Wai Mun, Venus陳慧敏 (HKFWS 家福會)

第一天下午工作坊 – 第二時段:2.4 < 解開三代糾結的關係 >
講者:Dr. Wong Oi Ling 王愛玲博士<解開三代糾結的關係 >
Dr. Wong Oi Ling 王愛玲博士
Day Two Workshops 第二日工作坊

第二天下午工作坊:3.1 <「身體雕塑」在家庭治療中的應用——在家庭治療中使用多感官體驗式的歷程工作坊>
講者:Dr. Yung Tsang Sun May Grace 容曾莘薇博士<「身體雕塑」在家庭治療中的應用——在家庭治療中使用多感官體驗式的歷程工作坊>
Dr. Yung Tsang Sun May Grace 容曾莘薇博士
容曾博士在過去三十年致力在香港和世界各地傳承「沙維雅成長模式」, 曾經是香港沙維雅人文發展中心的核心領導;是第一位當選為Virginia Satir Global Network(沙維雅環球網絡)幹事的亞洲人,也是第一位在2009年獲得該網絡頒發Living Treasure 榮譽的亞洲人。她將會繼續致力於發展和推動適合華人社會、聚焦於成長的輔導及督導理念。

第二天下午工作坊:3.2 <‘Woke parents’: Swear to stop the transgenerational vicious patterns of malfunctioned parenting in their generation! How they have been doing? How can we give them a hand or two? 覺醒父母:立誓打破舊模式,重新定義「親職」的一代> (Conducted in English Via Zoom)
講者:Prof. Wentao Chao 趙文滔教授<‘Woke parents’: Swear to stop the transgenerational vicious patterns of malfunctioned parenting in their generation! How they have been doing? How can we give them a hand or two? 覺醒父母:立誓打破舊模式,重新定義「親職」的一代> (Conducted in English Via Zoom)
Born in 1981~2000, they have been through a series of social and political reforms in Taiwan, including Martial law dismissed (1987), Education Reform (1994), two days off per week (2001), diverse entrance of university (2002), Educational Act (2006, including zero tolerance on physical punishment), baby-care leave (80% salary, both parents applicable, 2021). Under these social climate changes, they now become parents in their 30s. They give birth and raise a child as a deliberate choice rather than fulfilling duty, giving birth the first child after they are 31 years old (since 2019), and struggling to make a difference for their children and the future. Although 84% of them had gone through physical discipline themselves as children, they swear to stop the vicious transgenerational patterns of malfunctioned parenting in their generation, and manage to redefine ‘parenting.’They are called ‘ woke parents.’ (台灣【親子天下雜誌】127期,2023-6-1: https://www.parenting.com.tw/article/5095539) In this workshop, let’s find out how they’ve been doing, and how can we give them a hand or two?
Prof. Wentao Chao 趙文滔教授
Professor, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan, Counseling psychologist (License, Taiwan), President (2015/7~2018/6) and council member, Association of Couple and Family Therapy in Taiwan, Marriage and family counselor (certificate) and council member, Taiwan Association for Marriage and Family Counseling, Fellow member, Asian Academy of Family Therapy (AAFT), Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy, University of Hong Kong, H.K., M.A. in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling, Sonoma State University, U.S.A. He has been practicing couples and family therapy for over 20 years, and providing couple and family therapy training in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Malaysia.

第二天下午工作坊:3.3 <孩子的症狀——真實與謬誤>
講者:Ms. Peggy Chan 陳蘇陳英女士<孩子的症狀——真實與謬誤>
Ms. Peggy Chan 陳蘇陳英女士

第二天下午工作坊:3.4 <孩子的症狀——真實與謬誤>
講者:Dr. Kennedy Ng 吳國雄 博士<家庭圖、家庭地圖在多動症兒童/青少年及其家人身上的應用>
本次研討會旨在說明及示範如何在多重家庭治療小組,以及系統性家庭治療 (SFT) 中使用家庭圖和家庭地圖來協助患有多動症的兒童/青少年及其家人。
# 家庭圖和家庭地圖
# 體驗式多家庭介入方法
# 歷奇為本家庭治療
# 特殊學習需要
Dr. Kennedy Ng 吳國雄 博士
# 社會工作博士(兒童正向社會心理發展的多家庭治療小組取向),APSS, 香港理工大學 (2020)
# 理學碩士(社會工作),香港中文大學,(RSW) (2007)
# 香港城市大學人文及社會科學學院社會及行為科學系兼職講師
# 香港中文大學香港教育研究所教育學院講師 (自2019) 及項目經理 (2021~2022)
# 香港中文大學醫學院公共衛生及基層醫療學院創路雄心計劃顧問(90年代以來在香港開發UAP的團隊)
# 香港中文大學社會工作系實習督導 (自2019)
# 香港理工大學文學碩士(家庭治療)課程—青少年發展與家庭—訪問副講師(3 學分)(自 2013 年)