The Members Directory is where the public may find information on how to contact our members and to find out about the family therapy services offered by our members. Such information are created by our members themselves and they can change them. They form part of the profile of a member in HKMFTA’s membership database.
In this membership database, the HKMFTA also keeps non-publicly available information about our members when they apply for and renew their memberships and when they use the HKMFTA services such as attending events, training or conferences organzied by the HKMFTA. Such information can be viewed privately by members and by HKMFTA volunteers and administrators who help maintain the HKMFTA. Members may also change some (but not all) of these information in their members profiles.
Members can view and change most of their member profile information by logging in with their email and password. The log in is found in our website as a link in the top of our website, or as a link in its the “Membership” submenu.
Here is a log in link as well:-
For Members Only – View or Change your profile after log in