Board of Directors
Dr. So-Wa NGAI 魏素華博士 President
Dr. Wai-Ho WAT 屈偉豪博士 Vice President
Ms. Kate LAU 劉其容女士 Vice President
Mr. Chi-Ming Mathew HO 何志明先生 Company Secretary
Mr. Ho-Fai Merv MOK 莫浩輝先生 General Secretary
Dr. Ching-Wah Vivian NG 吳靜華博士 Membership & Ethics (Leader)
Ms. Sze-Wing Cecily CHAN 陳陳思穎女士 Membership & Ethics (Co-Leader)
Mr. Chim-Hun PANG 彭潛亨先生 Development and Public Relations (Leader)
Ms. Bo-Lam CHAN 陳寶霖女士 Development and Public Relations (Co-Leader)
Mr. Tim-Tak Edmond LAM 林添德先生 Programmes and Training  (Leader)
Dr. Sun-May Grace YUNG TSANG 容曾莘薇博士 Social Services and Community Education (Leader)
Dr. Chi-Yuen Victor LAU 劉志遠先生 Social Services and Community Education (Co-Leader)
Dr. Wai-Ming Hannah HO 何慧明博士 Research and Publications (Leader)
Dr. Yuen-Han Kitty MO 武婉嫻博士 Research and Publications (Co-Leader)

Advisory Board Members

  • Ms. Yuk-Lin Anita FOK  霍玉蓮女士
  • Prof. Ming-Tak HUE  許明得教授
  • Dr. Yuk-King LAU  劉玉琼博士
  • Ms. Ka-Wai Koesen LEE  李嘉慧女士
  • Dr. Ka-Ching YEUNG  楊家正博士